Welcome to Bulgaria offers customized Bulgarian language study opportunities for individuals and groups. Since every student is unique, we take the time to find out what you want to accomplish before making instructional recommendations, then craft a custom Bulgarian language study solution to meet your desires and needs.
For individuals and groups interested in only basic language skills, we offer a course in Survival Bulgarian. This two week program introduces each student to the Cyrillic alphabet, common words and phrases, and the basics of Bulgarian grammar. Focus on greetings, daily necessities, restaurants and shopping. Includes excursions for contextual practice with a language helper present to lend a hand when necessary.
For expats planning to live longer in the country, the Welcome to Bulgaria language study program offers a complete Bulgarian language study solution combining grammar instruction, language drill, and contextual practice to maximize your acquisition of Bulgarian language skills. One of our language experts will meet with you to design a custom language learning program that addresses your needs and fits your time and budget, then the two of you will work out a practical schedule for accomplishing your goals. The flexible nature of our program also allows you to make changes and adjustments at any time along the way. Contact us for a free language learning consultation today!
Check out some of our easy to use Bulgarian language tools, including references, cheat sheets and vocabulary rings.